Art of the Cat Kiss
Mars Petcare brand SHEBA® is helping pet owners connect with their feline familiars in a new campaign revealing the art of the cat kiss, created by AMV BBDO.

JPML relicensed their original music "Cat Fandango" to give the kiss the right catty feel. 

SHEBA® has a mission to provide experiences which help build connections between cat parents and their cats. When we realised how few people understood that a cat slow blinking is a sign of affection, we decided it was time to get the cat kiss message out there and AMV’s campaign is a great place to start, explaining it in such a succinct, memorable way.” 
- Ed Owen, European Brand Director for SHEBA

“Most cat owners think their cat hates them. Of course, this isn't true, you just don’t understand them! SHEBA® wants to help you master the feline language of love so you can spot when your cat is showing you affection. We can’t wait to get cats and their owners slow blinking at each other and deepening their special bond."
- Jamie Chang & Rachel Tweedy, creatives at AMV BBDO
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