Backseat  Driver

Director: Rich Peppiatt
Producers: Rich Peppiatt and Danny Wigley
Written by: Rich Peppiatt and Danny Wigley
Production: Naughty Step
Original Music and Sound:
Edited by: Rich Peppiatt and Ian Anderson
Life is not Fair
“...A chauffeur collects his passenger to drive him to work in London’s Square Mile.
The journey soon veers off course when the banking executive becomes the target of his driver’s increasingly manic diatribe against capitalist excess, reaching a terrifying climax through the streets of the financial district. 
As the car reaches its destination the truly startling reality behind this journey is revealed.
Intense and claustrophobic, BACKSEAT DRIVER is a layered and unsettling psychological thriller exploring the self-deceit we perpetrate to justify our life choices...”

JPML created bespoke music to enhance the claustrophobic, disorientating atmosphere of this thought-provoking and hard-hitting film.

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