Girls Not Brides

Production: Fat Rat Films
Sound and music:

Ending child marriage is key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to build a better world for everyone. 

This video highlights the need to to end child marriage. Unless this practice is outlawed, half of the SDGs cannot be met. The aim is to #EndChildMarriage by 2030 and secure sustainable development for all.

JPML provided a full service sound, encompassing bespoke composition, track licenses and sound design, very proud as it is a project to which we were delighted to contribute. 

Every year, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18. They are denied their rights to health, education, and opportunity. 

But when girls are allowed to fulfil their potential, everybody benefits. Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of over 1000 civil society organisations in more than 95 countries working to end child marriage. 

Together, we bring child marriage to global attention, build an understanding of what it will take to end child marriage, and call for the laws, policies, and programmes that will make a difference in the life of millions of girls. 

Visit and find them on Facebook and Twitter @GirlsNotBrides.

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